Showing posts with label Cosmetics Retail Sales market. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cosmetics Retail Sales market. Show all posts

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Adoption of Urban Farming to Produce Cosmetics: Ken Research

Ken Research announced its latest publication, “Success Case Study: Urban Fresh Cosmetics; Adapting urban farming to expand into a cosmetics business”. The case study is about the success of a personal care business called Urban Fresh Cosmetics that specializes in producing natural skin care products. The case study explores a success of a cosmetics business with a strong focus on "natural" products based on in-house, urban-farmed ingredients. It also provides a broader appreciation of the fast-moving consumer goods industry by gaining insights from both within and outside of this sector.

History of Urban Fresh Cosmetics
Urban fresh cosmetics is a personal care business offering handmade, artisanal products. Headquartered in Albuquerque in New Mexico, they specialize in producing natural skin care products. The main idea behind urban fresh cosmetics is the use of"urban farming," through which it grows raw plants and transforms them into beauty product ingredients.
The urban fresh cosmetics is the result of the innovation of a couple, Keith and Andre who were initially running a spa business. Both Keith and Andre had huge passion for urban farming, as a result they soon transformed their passion into an international business called urban fresh, which makes organic beauty products.
Andre’s and Keith’s passion for urban farming wasn’t something new, as they had it in their roots. Andre was raised in Indiana, growing up eating fresh strawberries and tomatoes and Keith was raised in Ohio, where his grandmother grew and made products from aloe on the family farm. In the words of Keith, there are three F’s of urban fresh business model, Foundation, Feature and Focus. The family background of farming provides the basis for the first F, foundation. The next two F’s feature and focus, emphasizes the need for organic, eco-friendly products and focusing on a great customer experience respectively.
The inspiration for this business besides the family tradition of farming was Keith’s lifelong struggle with Acne. As a result, he decided to earn a license in esthetics and was later on joined by Andre, who though had a degree in psychology joined Keith in the skin care business and also became a licensed esthetician. They both opened a spa called Great Face and body which they used as medium to sell their own beauty products. But the couple soon realized that they prefer the retail side of this business, getting hands on work of growing and harvesting raw plants and transforming them into useful beauty products.
Recently, Urban Fresh gained popularity on account of its line of bath products called Bathing Bad. Every product, from bath bombs to shampoo bars, is made in the Urban Fresh factory cum retail store, and efforts are made to ensure that every item is sold the same week it's made to ensure its freshness.
Why Urban Fresh Cosmetics?
As discussed, Urban fresh cosmetics are natural skin care products, produced from natural resources such as raw plants. Globally, the cosmetics market is stagnating, as a result of which manufacturers are taking advantage of consumer’s increasing health awareness by investing in new products containing natural ingredients.
The Urban fresh cosmetics use a more holistic and sustainable approach to cosmetics production. The absence of chemicals which is mostly considered to be the root of all evil, is the key factor rising demand for such natural ingredients based cosmetics.
Besides the above benefits that is common to almost all natural cosmetics, every product in the Urban Fresh Cosmetics is made personally by Keith and Andre in their factory cum retail store and also sold in the same week as they are produced to ensure their freshness. One of the most favourite product of Urban Fresh Cosmetics is full body shampoo bar for men which usually excites people to ask if Keith is a chemist. Though not chemist, but the amount of efforts and personal services the couple offers makes them unique in the world of beauty retail.
The scale of operations of the business allows it to capitalize on relevant and potential trends, thus enabling them to make profits and increasing its market share. However, Keith believes that having more stores will get them more business and hence, more money but also at the same time cause a sacrifice on the part of personal attention to clients.
Future of Urban Fresh Cosmetics
With the increasing health and wellness consciousness among people, and the rising demand for chemical free natural cosmetics, the future of urban fresh cosmetics is indeed bright.  Besides this, Keith and Andre have been taking a number of steps on the sustainability part. They have announced their plan to the nonprofit Urban Fresh Academy where they will teach people on how to make bath bombs and also, how to save water. They are also focusing on scalability by considering to increase the number of stores, however they are afraid that this will mean a fall in the level of personal care they offer to their clients.
Key Topics Covered in the Report
  • Detailed profile of Urban Fresh Cosmetics
  • Relevant consumer trends and attitudes supporting innovation
  • Detailed analysis of fast moving consumer goods
  • History and Future of the Urban Fresh Cosmetics
  • Innovations in the Fresh Cosmetic Industry
  • Sustainability and Scalability of Urban Fresh Cosmetics
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Ken Research
Ankur Gupta, Head Marketing & Communications