Showing posts with label business company customer customerneeds customersegmentation customersegment segmentation kenresearch marketentry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label business company customer customerneeds customersegmentation customersegment segmentation kenresearch marketentry. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

To be useful, segments must be measurable, substantial, accessible, differentiable, and accountable.

 There is no company whose products are “for everyone!”

Moreover, most of the companies do not have enough resources to target large customer groups as part of marketing efforts. This is why it is critical to know the right customer / market segment that needs your product and, thereby allowing you to create marketing campaigns that are essential for growth and development. Otherwise, you will be only be in a guessing zone.

And, what are the requirements for effective market segmentation?

Well, effective segmentation should be measurable, accessible, substantial, differentiable, and actionable. When a company has segmented their market accordingly, there is a higher chance that it will become more profitable and successful in the long run.