Showing posts with label CSAT Assessment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CSAT Assessment. Show all posts

Friday, June 10, 2022

Client Satisfaction Survey Can Measure Your Customer Effort: Ken Research

A client satisfaction survey is a questionnaire designed to aid the businesses understand what their clients think about their products or services, their brand, and their customer support. Customer satisfaction surveys enable the companies to enhance products strategically, optimize user experience, and convey exactly what the market requirements.

At Ken Research, we use the customer satisfaction surveys to understand the micro-level experiences of individual users and address their apprehensions, but we always return to macro-level questions like “Where is the market going,” “How is our product on the cutting edge,” and “Where do we need to enhance?” as well. 

Developing a customer satisfaction program is not just about resounding out a customer service survey. Surveys deliver the reading that shows where attention is demanded but, in several respects, this is the easy segment. Very often, major long-lasting enhancements need a fundamental transformation in the company, probably entailing the training of the staff, possibly including the cultural change. The result should be financially beneficial with less customer churn, greater market shares, premium prices, stronger brands and reputation, and more contented staff.

However, there is a price to pay for these enhancements. Costs will be incurred in the market research survey. Time will be spent working out an action schedule. Training may well be demanded to enhance the customer service. The implications of Customer Satisfaction Survey Outcome go far beyond the survey itself and will only be successful if fully assisted by the echelons of senior management.

A Net Promoter Score survey asks clients to rate how probable they are to recommend your company/product to a friend or colleague on a scale of 0-10. You then compare your percentage of detractors (0-6 answers) to that of promoters (9-10 answers) to see where your company stands—the more promoters you have, the more you can infer individuals are gratified with you.

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NPS Survey Outcome measures how much effort it takes for customers to either utilize your product or fix an issue through customer assistance. Although, an employee satisfaction survey is an authoritative set of questions that Human Resource Managers use to understand the level of fulfilment of employees. This survey delivers management with a direction and know-how of how satisfied are its employees in the workplace and what are the possible measures they would require to take if the responses to the survey are not moderately positive.

Best Employee Satisfaction Survey Questions are appreciated for learning about countless topics, all of them directly connected to employee morale, satisfaction, and involvement with the company. Health benefits, wellness programs, compensation, managers’ performance, career enhancement, work environment: These are all locations you can examine in depth with a well-designed employee satisfaction survey.

A satisfied employee functions as a word-of-mouth promotion tool for the organization, hence this question is of huge significance and if the answer to this question is no, it should ring alarm bells within the organization and call for instant curative measures.

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NPS Survey Outcome: Ken Research

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Ankur Gupta, Head Marketing & Communications


Thursday, June 9, 2022

Customer Product Satisfaction Survey Are Occasions for Customer to Prompt Their Opinions: Ken Research

Customer feedback is one of the most commanding aspects of enhancing your customer experience. Only if you have measurable data on how well your client like your product or service, will you be able to make communicative innovations to their end-user experience. And a prodigious manner to gather feedback and determine the customer satisfaction levels is by manipulating the Client Satisfaction Survey. A customer feedback questions is a questionnaire put together by brands to recognize and know their customers' satisfaction with the product/service delivered. A survey of customer satisfaction research firm can be utilized to track customer sentiment around each touchpoint of the consumer journey.

Customer Product Satisfaction Survey can support to regulate how consumers are feeling about an organization’s customer service, products, web experience and services. They can also sustenance an organization get to know their clients in order to enhanced the communicate with them.

Ken Research is one of the Top CSAT Companies to conduct retail audit either by staying the store or by creating an enquiry over a call. Constant retail audits can authorize companies to stay ahead of the competition and authorize the supreme ROI. Our customer feedback survey will sustenance you gather consumer’s feedback on any anxieties connected to your products and services. It will make you improve the deeper insights about how they distinguish your products/services/brand. The feedback will discover issues that you might not be conscious of and will sustenance you to fix them. 

Not only has this, Ken Research also provide reports on the Employee Feedback Survey Questions. All the information gained from our survey is utilized by organizations to improve the quality of their products and services. Feedbacks from clients through such customer experience survey can assist the organizations to discourse issues and take measures proximately of issues they were not aware of. Thus, such a customer satisfaction survey where customers are asked about the products of a survey aid to advance the entire performance and prosperity of an organization.

CSAT Assessment is the foremost to making or breaking brands. In this competitive insight of a massive number of brands, customer satisfaction has to be focal to your customer strategy. No amount of marketing campaigns and preferments will assist you if your consumers are not gratified. Brands that have low levels of customer satisfaction are likely to decease during the future. Brands that have supporters are far probable to do better than brands that do not. You will have brand supporters when you have gratified customers. So, as you see, it all starts and ends with the customer satisfaction survey.

Our Satisfaction surveys backing you make short-, medium-, and long-term decisions about more than a few aspects of your company, as you can expose what things require to be enhanced and get the ideas for new products and services. We benefit you automate payment collection, cutting down on the amount of admin your team necessitates to deal with when chasing the invoices.

For more information on the research report, refer to below link:

Customer Product Satisfaction Survey

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Ken Research

Ankur Gupta, Head Marketing & Communications



Customer feedback is one of the most commanding aspects of enhancing your customer experience. Only if you have measurable data on how well your client like your product or service, will you be able to make communicative innovations to their end-user experience. And a prodigious manner to gather feedback and determine the customer satisfaction levels is by manipulating the Client Satisfaction Survey. A customer feedback questions is a questionnaire put together by brands to recognize and know their customers' satisfaction with the product/service delivered. A survey of customer satisfaction research firm can be utilized to track customer sentiment around each touchpoint of the consumer journey.

Customer Product Satisfaction Survey can support to regulate how consumers are feeling about an organization’s customer service, products, web experience and services. They can also sustenance an organization get to know their clients in order to enhanced the communicate with them.

Ken Research is one of the Top CSAT Companies to conduct retail audit either by staying the store or by creating an enquiry over a call. Constant retail audits can authorize companies to stay ahead of the competition and authorize the supreme ROI. Our customer feedback survey will sustenance you gather consumer’s feedback on any anxieties connected to your products and services. It will make you improve the deeper insights about how they distinguish your products/services/brand. The feedback will discover issues that you might not be conscious of and will sustenance you to fix them. 

Not only has this, Ken Research also provide reports on the Employee Feedback Survey Questions. All the information gained from our survey is utilized by organizations to improve the quality of their products and services. Feedbacks from clients through such customer experience survey can assist the organizations to discourse issues and take measures proximately of issues they were not aware of. Thus, such a customer satisfaction survey where customers are asked about the products of a survey aid to advance the entire performance and prosperity of an organization.

CSAT Assessment is the foremost to making or breaking brands. In this competitive insight of a massive number of brands, customer satisfaction has to be focal to your customer strategy. No amount of marketing campaigns and preferments will assist you if your consumers are not gratified. Brands that have low levels of customer satisfaction are likely to decease during the future. Brands that have supporters are far probable to do better than brands that do not. You will have brand supporters when you have gratified customers. So, as you see, it all starts and ends with the customer satisfaction survey.

Our Satisfaction surveys backing you make short-, medium-, and long-term decisions about more than a few aspects of your company, as you can expose what things require to be enhanced and get the ideas for new products and services. We benefit you automate payment collection, cutting down on the amount of admin your team necessitates to deal with when chasing the invoices.

For more information on the research report, refer to below link:

Customer Product Satisfaction Survey

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Ken Research

Ankur Gupta, Head Marketing & Communications


Friday, June 3, 2022

Employee Feedback Survey Questions Delivers Accurate Glimpse: Ken Research

A customer satisfaction survey is a study that governs the person’s supposed satisfaction with a product or service. An accomplished survey delivers answers for a list of questions that your company has regarding the products they introduce. A customer satisfaction survey can also assistance you determine your sluggish leads. In routine cases, a lead doesn’t gain a survey until their sale is complete. The actions that your customer takes carries data in the same form to that found within the Customer Product Satisfaction Survey.

After all, customer retention is far more authoritative for a business’s growth than customer acquisition, and the only manner to keep your clients is to keep them happy.

There’s not really one prevalent customer satisfaction definition, but it’s essentially exactly what it sounds like – the level of satisfaction your clients have with your service. What you might not realise, however, is that customer satisfaction is essentially a measurable quality, and in order to actually understand how delighted a customer base is, businesses should incontestably treat it as such. Businesses can and should take a data-driven method to guide their customer satisfaction strategy.

Employee Feedback Survey Questions are series of questions that convey the insights into how individuals experience their work surroundings, and how completely they feel about the company’s greater image. The primary issue of conversation at Workday is bettering employee engagement, and questions sets are an essential portion of that procedure. 

A practical CSAT Assessment includes a distribution technique, a questionnaire and a method of reclamation. Getting a survey into the hands of all of your purchaser confirms that you can compute a comprehensive sample size. Continuing your data's accuracy is as essential as repossessing that info. A tally, likewise, necessities to be made for the leads who don't answer or take the questionnaire.

Ken Research is one of the Top CSAT Companies, a customer feedback system is a manner to commiserate with the customer. But how to construct customer trust through feedback surveys? When the clients fill out the form, he states that the company functions on those issues. When you ask questions that link to the product utilization, you can appreciate from their point of view as to how they use the product and what destitutions they have to face if the product breakdowns. 

Our Employee Satisfaction Survey and Customer Assessment Survey measures the foremost drivers of employee satisfaction and customer satisfaction which leads to an improved understanding of what will employ and recollect both of them longer. Our award-wining survey system recommends all of the featured demanded to deliver you with the stress-free administration which your employees and leaders will find easy and valuable.

Our Satisfaction surveys assistance you make short-, medium-, and long-term decisions about countless aspects of your company, as you can disclose what things demand to be improved and get the ideas for new products and services. We assist you automate payment collection, cutting down on the amount of admin your team demands to deal with when chasing invoices.

For more information on the research report, refer to below link:-

CSAT Assessment

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Ken Research

Ankur Gupta, Head Marketing & Communications

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

NPS Analysis Score Survey Help You with Insights on How You Can Improve Customer Experience: Ken Research

NPS Analysis score survey gives you a gauge as to how your clients feel about your company, but more prominently, it measures customer faithfulness. It’s based on an individual question about a customers’ complete interaction with a company: “How probable is you to commend our company/product/service to your friends, family and colleagues?”.

Word-of-mouth is an age-old phenomenon, but commendations are still the best manner to acquire new customers. Net Promoter Score Survey measures these recommendations, and in several industries, you can utilize it to compare your customers’ brand loyalty against those of your competitors’ clients. 

Whereas, the Customer feedback denotes to the response that customers deliver about the experience that they had with a product or service. Customer Feedback Survey helps gauge the level of customer satisfaction for an individual transaction or for the business relationship as a whole. From just-launched start-ups to enterprises that have a continent-spanning existence, every business must gather and analyse customer feedback. It aids identify whether the business is able to encounter customer demands and is going the right direction in delivering the products and services that address customer’s requirement.

Although, reliant on the NPS score survey 1 to 10, the customers fall into one of the 3 groups.

  • Promoters: Customers who rate 9 or 10 and are pleased with your services. They are trustworthy enthusiasts and might prove to be evangelists for your business. They are tremendously likely to endorse your company to individuals in their social or professional circles.
  • Passives: Customers who rate 7 or 8 and have average experience with your organization. They are pleased with your services but might switch your competitors if provided an opportunity. They have a neutral stand - won't blowout negative word-of-mouth but won't encourage your brand either.
  • Detractor: Customers who rate below 6 and are not pleased with your products or services. They share their negative experiences with others and impairment company's reputation. They would not like to buyback your products or services and would dishearten others too.

Whereas, Customer Engagement Survey and loyalty is a crucial aspect that determines a company’s financial performance. It is directly linked to several benefits, such as augmented market share, lower costs, or greater revenue. Several studies confirmed the close connection amid the customer satisfaction and business performance. Therefore, there is no doubt that you want to make sure your consumers are pleased with your products and services. Naturally, the best manner to find out if you meet their expectation is to get their opinions. Utilizing the rating-based questions you can easily predict the level of satisfaction and consequently anticipate your company’s financial condition in the future.

If survey results lead to a plan to enhance weak areas of function, a follow-up survey can be utilized to measure whether transforms worked. Information can again be analysed and associated to earlier feedback. It is also appreciated to let your customers know you’re endeavouring to make enhancements and to thank them for their help. Satisfaction surveys also disclose data that can be utilized to gauge predicted customer satisfaction rates of competitors.

For more information on the research report, refer to below link:-

NPS Analysis Score Survey

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Ken Research

Ankur Gupta, Head Marketing & Communications

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Customer Loyalty Survey Are Reliant On Earlier Voluntary Interactions by Clients with Business: Ken Research

Customers always value businesses that are open to criticism and convey a platform to share their experience, gripes and concerns. To take your business to next level, you have to take countless steps that conform finest engagement and augment customer satisfaction.

Throughout the present era, countless individuals are at least slightly unwilling to be interrogated by the online vendors. With the actual augment in news about how social media enterprises belligerently harvest our personal information, things aren’t getting much better. However, the customer information is still worth its weight in gold, and the Customer Loyalty Survey remains the gold standard in accountable and democratic data collection.

Although, efficient business owners and managers promptly realize that keeping consumers costs less than finding the fresh ones. If certain practices drive customers away, a business constantly spends time and money on advertising and numerous other efforts to apprentice more. Such business owners know that flaws in the overview or delivery of goods lead to distraught consumers, so they employ online survey to gather feedback. The Customer satisfaction surveys can become commanding tools for developing your business and promising your consumers are happy and loyal.

In addition, every business wants to create an unforgettable experience for their clients around multiple channels. If they encounter any great experiences, then take it as an opportunity to know the causes behind their disappointment and contrivance proper measures to eliminate them. This is why you necessitate to gather feedback through NPS Survey Outcome to understand what you can do contrarily to enhance their experience with your brand and can set you apart from your competitors.

Surveys are the finest platforms for consumers to share their honest feedback and experience with you directly. In case if you come around some discontented customer in the survey outcomes, use it as an opportunity to modernize them into your promoters. Furthermore, a well-designed Employee Loyalty Survey delivers an accurate hint into the overarching mood and morale in your company. This allows you to pinpoint any issues and make the required modifications to keep your employees happy.

We will be with you on every step in the process, encompassing communication, design, administration, leadership presentations, data analysis, and action planning. Our Employee Engagement Survey measures the key drivers of employee satisfaction which leads to better understanding of what will engage and retain both of them lengthier. Our client feedback survey will be funding you gather consumer’s feedback on any apprehensions connected to your products and services. It will make you advancement deeper understandings about how they discriminate your products/services/brand. The feedback will reveal issues that you might not be conscious of and will backing you to resolution them. 

Now that you know the key benefits of conducting a Customer Satisfaction Survey by asking frequent Best Employee Satisfaction Survey Questions, it’s time to implement them for your business growth. At Ken Research, we can help you design the most effective CSAT Surveys, to obtain understandings about how your clients feel about your business.

Customer Satisfaction Survey Outcome aren’t meant to be a one-time thing. They are supposed to be continuous so you and your brand can recognise comparisons or trends within your customers’ feedback. Distinguishing those trends and applying them to your business is one manner to showcase customers that their voices are being supposed.

For more information on the research report, refer to below link:-

Customer Satisfaction Survey Outcome

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Ken Research

Ankur Gupta, Head Marketing & Communications

Monday, May 23, 2022

Customer Product Satisfaction Survey Has Assistance of Pointing Out Magnitude of Customer Satisfaction: Ken Research

Customer Product Satisfaction Survey is one of the most authoritative aspects of developing your customer experience. Only if you have quantifiable data on how well your consumer like your product or service, will you be able to make expressive innovations to their end-user experience. And an inordinate manner to gather feedback and determine the customer satisfaction levels is by using the Client Satisfaction Survey.

A customer feedback questions is a questionnaire put organized by brands to recognize their customers' satisfaction with the product/service carried. A customer satisfaction survey can be utilized to track customer sentimentality around each touchpoint of the consumer journey.

At Ken Research, the questions in the CSAT Assessment are utilized to gauge customer requirements, understand problems or weak points in the company’s proposing or regulate the clearer routes of the communication. Such enquiries often come in the form of a follow-up email or popup window and classically comprise a rating scale, though they can sometimes be left open-ended.

Although, efficacious business owners and managers promptly realize that keeping consumers costs less than finding fresh ones. If certain applies propel customers away, a business continuously spends time and money on advertising and countless other efforts to apprentice more. Such business owners know that flaws in the introduction or distribution of goods lead to distressed consumers, so they use the online surveys to gather feedback. The Customer satisfaction surveys for retailers can become forceful tools for enhancing your business and guaranteeing your clients are happy and loyal.

Ken Research is one from the Top CSAT Companies whose can sustenance you discover your most loyal consumers and influencers. Brand champions, power users, brand loyalists, brand heroes. No matter what you call them, they’re your response to knowing accurately what you’re doing correct, what to keep doing, and what to start doing. Showing clients that you’re attending goes a long way. Detaining that voice and turning it into the presentation-ready marketing security goes even further.

Here at Ken Research, we are preoccupied with Employee Feedback Survey Questions and customer satisfaction survey, and you should be too. After all, assigning high-quality products, services, user experience, and client care brings money to the bank. 

We before design a survey, begin with a more universal question to capture how consumers feel about a detailed touchpoint or the complete experience. Templated CSAT, NPS, and CES questions work well as standalone surveys, or as the initial question for a more in-depth survey.

Although, conducting a CSAT or Client Satisfaction Survey is not just a way to gather the voice of the customers about your products and services. This modest, informative survey reveals the gateway to a host of solutions to innumerable common and not-so-common business challenges and recommends a high ROI.

Not only has this, at Ken Research, customer satisfaction survey is a tool that agrees companies to gain the insight of customer needs and necessities, their allegiance, as well as obtain helpful feedback, whether in a positive or in a negative light, its assistances are enormously employed in modern business to permit the companies to attain more customer engrossed products and services, progress the better relationships with customers, and by proceeding the quality of their business attain the brand accomplishment.

For more information on the research report, refer to below link:-

Customer Product Satisfaction Survey

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Ken Research

Ankur Gupta, Head Marketing & Communications

Monday, April 25, 2022

Employee Satisfaction Survey Propose the Better Understanding of Employee Sentiment: Ken Research

Today than ever before, the customer satisfaction is more important. Provided the great number of choices consumers have in almost every market, entities that listen to their customers have a dissimilar benefit. A Customer Satisfaction Survey is an irreplaceable tool for both small business owners and large entities. Customer Satisfaction Survey Questions can assistance determine how consumers are feeling about an organization’s customer service, products, web experience and services. They can also sustenance an organization get to know their customers in order to better communicate with them.

The best Customer Feedback Survey typically encompass an entire company rating, a rating of their proposing or customer service experience, as well as some open answer questions so that customers can convey the constructive feedback. At Ken Research, the questions in the Client Satisfaction Survey are utilized to measure the customer requirements, understand issues or weak points in the company’s recommending or determine the clearer routes of the communication. Such queries often come in the form of a follow-up email or popup window and classically comprise a rating scale, though they can sometimes be left open-ended.

A customer satisfaction survey of Ken Research might be unimportant unless it produces statistical data that can be scientifically analysed. The foremost step to refining a meaningful online survey is to generate the intended goalmouths and a process for comparing results. Employees responsible for the analysing survey results should have some background in statistics to make the survey energetic. When drafting survey questions, as much detail as possible should be required in the questionnaire, along with an extent for autonomous consumer comments.

Furthermore, the Employee satisfaction surveys can be measured using two benchmarks: internal survey benchmarks and external, survey benchmarks. Our company sets internal survey benchmarks to construct the constructive engagement within the organization and assistances compare the augmentation in engagement from time to time. In addition, external survey benchmarks sustenance you to equivalence company’s engagement with that of the competition.

Our engagement survey for employees or Employee Satisfaction Survey reports measures the energetic aspects for organizational achievement. As an independent provider of the employee surveys and service providers, we keep all characteristics anonymous and promise a suitable level of objectivity and independence. Our employee engagement survey convey you scenario into employee perceptions and areas for improvements. As an Employee Engagement Survey Companies & independent consultant, we determine the online surveys, onsite surveys and hybrid surveys tailored to your requirements.

We have extensive experience in directing the research, measurements, analyzes, practical recommendations and measures connected to employee engagement surveys. As an HR consultant and Employee Engagement Solutions Providers, we support many organizations with the independent & anonymous engagement surveys.

Although, all the information obtained from our survey is utilized by organizations to improve the quality of their products and services. Feedbacks from customers through such customer experience survey can assist the organizations to treatise issues and take measures directly of issues they were not aware of. Thus, such a customer satisfaction survey where customers are asked about the products of a survey supports to advance the whole performance and affluence of an organization.

For More Information, refer to below link:-

Customer Loyalty Assessment Survey

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Ken Research
Ankur Gupta, Head Marketing & Communications

Friday, April 22, 2022

CSAT Assessment and CSAT Companies Improve Customer Churn Rates: Ken Research

CSAT Assessment stands for The Cyber Security Assessment Tool a software product developed by experienced security experts to quickly assess the current status of your organizations' security and recommend improvements based on facts. These assessment plans include sufficient detail to indicate the scope of the assessment, the schedule for completing it, the individual or individuals responsible, and the assessment procedures planned for assessing each control. CSAT measures only your promoter scores, it's difficult to obtain a near-perfect score. Moreover, having means that three out of every four customers gave you a positive score instead of a negative.

Starbucks, Nordstrom, Hilton, Amazon are some of the Top CSAT Companies that have created the blueprint for customer experience and customer relationship management and have shaped customer expectations for brand interactions. A positive review from the customer is achieved by going beyond customer expectations and delivering an industry-leading experience that wows your clients. These include giving respect to your customer, being patient with them and customer service agents being determined.

According to the recent insights of Ken Research, digital platforms are playing an energetic role in Customer Product Satisfaction Survey Outcome. It involves the questions that you might be not conscious of and hence tries to fix them. Customer satisfaction should be a priority for any business notwithstanding to which industry you belong. If you don’t care about your consumers, don’t predict them to become loyal to your brand.

Employee Feedback Surveys are meant to improve your business productivity by gathering information about the way your employees think about your company's processes, ethics, and mission. These types of surveys ask the employees to express their difficulties and hence are asked a series of five-six job-related questions. The questions are related to the personal growth, career-related, and the environment of the organization. It will make you advance deeper scenarios about how they distinguish your products.

A Client Satisfaction survey is a questionnaire designed to help businesses understand what their customers think about their products or services, their brand, and their customer support. It uncovers issues that you might not be conscious of and will support you to fix them. Overall, a client satisfaction survey where customers are asked about the products of a survey assistances to improve the complete performance and affluence of an organization.

Ken Research conducted countless surveys on various topics over some time which enables customers to share their choices and opinions about your products. There are similar questions asked in all the surveys which are easy for the betterment of the organization. The feedback they convey may just expose conditions that you may not have been conscious of and deliver you a chance to remedy them. It can also sustenance you to determine what is efficacious and capitalize on it.

For more information on the research report, refer to below link:-

Client Satisfaction & CSAT Assessment

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Ken Research
Ankur Gupta, Head Marketing & Communications

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Employee Alignment Can Take the Organization to Next Level of Success: Ken Research

Morale in a general sense is the willingness to work in a particular organization. People having high morale at work indicates high levels of employee satisfaction and their engagement with that organization. An employee morale survey is a powerful survey that conveys the attitude of the members of an organization towards the general environment which is reflected through their behavior of well-being, satisfaction, and happiness quotient.

Employee Morale Measuring Surveyis taken by conducting surveys to the members of the organization in which their expression of opinion is collected in the form of printed questionnaire rounds. These questions surround the working experience, relationships of members with their supervisors, and their belief in job security in the organization.

It is quite true that motivation is the key to employee engagement. An employee engagement survey will tell you how engaged or disengaged people are, it doesn’t tell you why. An Employee-Motivation Survey will help you pinpoint the blockers to better employee engagement so you can remove them. Various types of motivation are measured by questions that specifically ask about 'why' the respondent is performing a specific task. Responses that describe internal motivations, the absence of external pressure, and enjoyment indicate intrinsic motivation.

At Ken Research, Feedback from clients through such surveys can sustain organizations to address issues and take measures proximately of issues they were not aware of. Thus, such a customer satisfaction survey where customers are asked about the products of a survey assistances to improve the complete performance and affluence of an organization.

Measuring Employee Productivity of an employee can be defined as the amount of work (or output) produced by an employee in a specific period. The more they produce, the more they contribute to profits for the company. An employee productivity survey will help you to understand the amount of profit a worker of the organization is producing and hence enhances the betterment of the organization. Several things can affect productivity, such as engagement, good people management practices, workplace environment, appropriate tools, and use of technology as an advantage.

Strategic Alignment means linking a company's business environment and strategy with its resources and structure. Employee Strategic Alignment Survey serves main purpose as to endorse the accomplishment of business goals on a strategic, structural, tactical, and operational level and to ensure complete synthesis and integration. Increasing employee alignment also improves customer satisfaction, engagement and loyalty, retention and absenteeism, health and safety, innovation and productivity, risk outcomes, and organization performance. Overall, it provides recommendations for improvement, providing you with a roadmap to your success.

Ken Research conducted countless surveys on various topics over some time which enables customers to share their choices and opinions about your products. There are similar questions asked in all the surveys which are easy for the betterment of the organization.

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Measuring Employee Productivity

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Ankur Gupta, Head Marketing & Communications


Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Adopt All the Measures to Advance Areas of Weakness with Our NPS Survey and Customer Feedback: Ken Research

A Customer Satisfaction Survey is a questionnaire designed to help businesses understand what their customers think about their products or services, their brand, and their customer support. They also help to establish essential trends in the feedback customers distribute. There are significant trends to be analyzed in the feedback to a satisfaction survey, and entities that spot and analyze such trends to take them into account in their business are one step forward from their competitors.

It helps to collect Customer Feedback which helps the company to know the actual problems faced by them and hence can make further enhancements in it. The customer's feedback at Ken Research includes a series of questions including the brands to distinguish their customers' satisfaction with the product and services distributed.

Ken Research makes sure that the issue feedback provided by the customers should be solved as soon as possible. It prioritizes the comfort of its customers by addressing the issues and taking appropriate measures towards them. Additionally, these types of questionnaire surveys from the customers in feedback sessions inevitably assist to improve the performance and affluence of the organization

NPS stands for Net Promoter scale. It is a customer loyalty and satisfaction measurement taken by asking customers how likely they are to recommend your product or service to others on a scale of 0-10. The Net Promoter Scale along with the customer satisfaction surveys not only tells you the product reviews but also helps in developing your services, advancing your products, and hence bringing the organization to the next level.

NPS Analysis Score Survey conveys firms' precise information about positive and negative sensitivities, which helps in advancing the marketing. Moreover, recent studies have shown that the customers who are happy or satisfied with the services of a particular organization tend to spread positive comments about the product among their friends and family and hence convey a reference to the company.

Surveys of Ken Research motivate customers to share their choices and opinions about your products. Additionally, assigning high-quality products, services, user experience, and customer care makes the company preoccupied with customer satisfaction. The organization conducted countless surveys over some time which enables customers to share their choices and opinions about your products. There are similar questions asked in all the surveys which are easy for the betterment of the organization. 

For More Information, refer to below link:-

Net Promoter scale

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Ken Research

Ankur Gupta, Head Marketing & Communications


Monday, April 18, 2022

NPSs Outcomes and Customer Satisfaction Survey Outcomes Improves Customer Loyalty Rate: Ken Research

A customer satisfaction survey is an instrument that helps companies measure their customers' level of satisfaction with their products. It should be considered a priority for any company which wants itself to reach the high doors of success. If a company wants to reach the next level of success, then it should readily be focused on the improvement of the difficulties faced by its customers. The customers value businesses that are open to surveys and offer a stage to share their grievances, explanations, and concerns. 

According to the recent insights of Ken Research, digital platforms are playing an energetic role in Customer Satisfaction Survey OutcomeIt involves the questions that you might be not conscious of and hence tries to fix them.  At Ken Research, the Customer Loyalty Survey allows the company to ask the customers to express their difficulties and hence are asked a series of five-six questions product-related questions. This inevitably leads our company to could easily be involved in the betterment of their services and hence carry exactly what the market requires. 

The Ken research conducts an Employee Engagement Survey which helps to measure the level of enthusiasm an employee has towards the company. It just discusses the levels of enthusiasm and connection employees have with their organization. The employees of Ken Research are cordially involved in providing the customers with the best services. The employee engagement survey involves questions related to the development that employee experiences while working in the company. Additionally, Ken Research also ensures that communication is maintained among the employees and their respective managers. 

Competitiveness in human resources is always a key issue in companies. Loyal employees tend to perform better than expected with their highest motivation and ability. Ken Research conducts Employee Loyalty Survey to measure the loyalty of an employee by observing their active participation and interaction in the development of the company and their perceptions of their importance in the organization. Moreover, employee comments and suggestions can be some of the strongest examples of employee loyalty because it shows that the staff cares enough about the company to want to improve it.

The survey of Ken Research is very much modest and economical to gain NPS Survey Outcome which can influence improvement within the business. NPS survey is a question-based technique that consists of two questions. The first one asks a customer to score your product or service on a scale of 0 to 10. The other, the follow-up question, aims to learn more about the reasons for a person's score. Employees responsible for analyzing survey results should have some background in statistics to make the survey evocative.

Ken Research conducted countless surveys over some time which enables customers to share their choices and opinions about your products. There are similar questions asked in all the surveys which are easy for the betterment of the organization.

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Employee Engagement Survey

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Ankur Gupta, Head Marketing & Communications


Friday, December 31, 2021

Customer Product Satisfaction Survey, Customer Satisfaction Survey Questions, Top Customer Satisfaction Survey Questions, Customer Satisfaction Research: Ken Research

Customer satisfaction survey are utilized to understand your customer’s satisfaction levels with your organization’s products, experiences and services. This is one type of customer experience survey and can be utilized to gauge the customers’ requirements, understand issues with your products and/or services, or sector customers by their score. They often utilize the rating scales to measure transformations over time, and obtain a deeper understanding of whether or not you are meeting the consumer’s expectations.

Customer satisfaction is at the core of human observation, reflecting customers’ liking of a company’s business activities. The customer satisfaction survey is an effective manner to understand how your consumer feels about your business and their customer journey, and to nail down exactly what new customers might like about your proposing.

Whereas, best employee satisfaction survey questions are a tool that companies utilize to gauge the levels of satisfaction of their employees within the company and their operations. Such a survey supports the leadership get insights about their employees and supports them take steps to advance the employee engagement.

Measuring Employee Productivity Survey help you recognize and solve employees’ issues and keep employee engagement high. Satisfied employees tend to stay lengthier in a company. Time and investment for re-hiring fresh employees also gets decreased and reimbursements the organization.

Measuring Employee Motivation Survey delivers great diagnostics on employee engagement that support you to advance and deliver the better comfort to your employees. This automatically boosts employee productivity and in turn, impressions business results positively.

In addition, a customer satisfaction survey of Ken Research might be insignificant unless it generates statistical data that can be scientifically analysed. The first step to enlightening a meaningful online survey is to generate intended goals and a technique for comparing results. Employees responsible for analysing survey results should have some background in statistics to make the survey communicative. When drafting survey questions, as much detail as possible should be contained in the questionnaire, along with an extent for self-determining consumer comments.

Although, with our research reports, not only can you attain the satisfaction data on your clients, you can also dissect it by services, grouping of clients, etc. Perhaps you have outstanding satisfaction scores for every module of your business exclusive of for one type of client – you can dissect the data and see which portion you’re stressed with, and then work on those accurate areas until you’ve developed it noticeably.

Customer Satisfaction Research is the only continuous required for company’s growth. If the client is fulfilled with the kind of work concentrated to them and the sustenance that they get thereafter, that creates the relationship which they would like to take forward and keep coming back for. When the company makes customers their precedence, meet their needs, and are gratified with the process, only then can the company be sure that they have reputable themselves in the market. And this is what will make them stand out from the rest of their competition. They are more prospective to have positive sales revenue from these trustworthy customers and in time they become their pillar of strength.

Employee satisfaction relies on many dissimilar factors, generally connected to the concrete conditions of everyday life at the office and the assistances and compensation the team members obtain in return for their time and hard work. We would also sustenance you to gather data in the most operative manner through survey questionnaires and survey administration. With the sustenance of survey analytics, design the products and carry service for the consumers and advance an insight about stakeholders.

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Customer Satisfaction Survey In 2021

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Ken Research
Ankur Gupta, Head Marketing & Communications

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Secrets for Efficiently Conducting a Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty Survey: Ken Research

Most of the organisations focus on gathering customer feedback by actively engaging with them through varied mediums. A few of the key examples of these mediums are social media pages, mass emailing and online newsletters. One of the most used tools for gathering customer feedback is customer loyalty survey as this tool allows the organisations to ask multiple questions and facilitate customers with the opportunity to portray their thoughts freely. However, the effectiveness of these tools is highly dependent on the quality of questions asked in it and varied other factors. With inefficient questions in customer satisfaction and loyalty survey, organisations would lose their loyal customers as the customers will pursue those questions that are irrelevant and irritating; which can adversely affect their purchasing perception. In this regard, the following are a few simple and practical secrets that can be used by organisations for improving the quality of questions they ask their customers.

Keeping it quick yet crisp

The conducted survey must not waste much of customers’ time yet it is also essential that the survey serves its purpose to retrieve the desired information. For fulfilling both of these criteria, the surveys must be proactively planned with consideration of time that customers would take to fill it as well as information to be sourced through this survey.

Asking relevant questions

Irrelevant questions can bother customers which would adversely affect the organisation. For avoiding such issues, every question in the survey should be well-thought by customers and organisational perspectives simultaneously. This practice will ensure that only relevant questions are asked in the survey that neither wastes the time of the customers nor the efforts of the organisation.

Smartly Constructed Open-Ended Questions

Effective Employee loyalty survey need to have an adequate combination of open- ended and closed-ended questions. However, it is essential to construct open-ended questions smartly as the answers to them would be limited to the options like closed-ended questions. Organisations need to understand the generic mindset of their customers while constructing open- ended so that they can source relevant information.

Using Consistent Rating Scale

Even though closed-ended questions are limited to options, all or most of them must be presented with consistency. For example, if the survey uses the Likert scale for sourcing information, the whole survey should attempt to use similar options so that the customer understands the general patterns and quickly complete the survey rather than getting irritated by understanding inconsistent rating patterns.

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Full Service Survey Company

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Ankur Gupta, Head Marketing & Communications

Monday, October 4, 2021

Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty Assessment Survey- Brand Matters: Ken Research

It is a very famous saying that “Customer is the King”! It is so rightly said, that Customer loyalty is something that no one can buy. It can’t be purchased by marketing campaigns or by ads. One has to earn customer loyalty by rendering the best services or products as much as one can. Every business is directly proportionate to its customers, to grow its brand and make profits the customers who are end-users should be happy.

To keep the Captive customers happy, the "Customer Loyalty" strategy plays a very important role. Customer Loyalty results from 'brand intentionality' in terms of great services that the companies provide with the intention behind it. Study on Customer satisfaction and loyalty is always focused on brand rather than the product. When a business takes care of its customer's needs and provides them friendly services then the brand of that company automatically builds up and comes out to be stronger. One needs to learn that any Brand that offers an integrated experience that will go above and beyond customer expectations resulting in happiness and strong relationships with their respective clients. On the other side, when we identify pain points and take action to achieve customer satisfaction, the Brand starts building automatically. And hence, Businesses need to put effort into identifying the pain points of customers that need to acquire and retain customers. By identifying pain points, one can craft an appropriate value proposition that attracts the customer to resolve their problems.

Here at Ken Research, we are all about Customer Loyalty.  We take our client satisfaction as a personal goal. Here we believe that if our clients enjoy our services, feel that it's adding good value and leave with positive memories, then they are bound to come back for more services. Ken Research works as a knowledge Authority in the mind of its target audience i.e. large firms with 2,000+ employees and 3,000+ clientele base that sees the problems in a way to develop & monitor the client’s feedback and review their loyalty from time to time.

Sometimes, many businesses make one common mistake; they keep on conducting regular customer satisfaction research programs thinking that there is a direct link between customer satisfaction and revenue. Many also, think that the result of customer satisfaction surveys builds and executes future customer satisfaction plans. This in return results in a very costly affair resulting in an error. We can only predict future behavior on the basis of these surveys. Just if customers say they are satisfied it’s not necessary that they will come back to use services again. Counting Customer experience is much more effective in predicting the future for customer loyalty.

Our business tries to discover exactly what our clients want. For instance, conducting a qualitative market study is important in including & mapping the client's journey and evaluating data regarding customer pain points. As we say that Client Satisfaction Survey is the foundation for any organization to achieve its goal or organizational objective. One of the easiest methods to find client/customer loyalty is to carry out an effective Survey which can be online or offline and get the primary data in place for further study & process. A customer loyalty survey usually contains questions like feedback, brand satisfaction, reliability and suggestions. We don’t forget to include a customer complaint form template; this template allows the companies to solve customer complaints in real-time. It helps customers to feel that their voice is heard.

It's a natural human tendency that they react to negative experiences rather than positive ones, which is why it is important to keep customers happy to build the brand of any company. Remember, that if customers have a negative experience they will be more likely to give feedback to take action and tell about their experiences which eventually turn out to be productive for the firm, than the ones who are being positive with no feedback. If our client is pleased with our services/ product received, then they will definitely stay with us for a long time and help us to grow the business. This will not only bring success but also promote our brand to the next level. We can also use positive feedbacks as testimonials on our website but at the same time address the negative ones for development positively.

Moving further; we know that the main objective of every business is to build product or services to resolve customer problems. It starts with having an in-depth analysis of the problem (pain point area) that is been faced by our customers and by giving them proper customer support for that issue; we provide them a productive output. When a customer expects smooth operations of its business and add experience to its customers; their main objective is to avoid any inconvenience that prevails and there comes in the role for Ken Research team, we provide that extra streamlining solution to our client and make sure everything is seamlessly functioning. On the other instance, if there is a financial pain point, which means spending an excessive amount on a business and on the contrary, if that ends up with the financial strain/loss. Then for such a problem/pain point, there is also a particular process with us that gives our customer the privilege to choose kind of a methodology and get it rectified. All in all, for any business discovering customers pain points, impact positively in verticals, Sales as well as marketing. To conclude this, when a company communicates in line with its customers, that creates an emotional connection between them and they feel that you actually care about what they think and in return they will always stay with you & your brand resulting in a Sustainable Business.

For More Information, refer to below link:-

Measuring Employee Motivation Survey

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Ken Research
Ankur Gupta, Head Marketing & Communications