Showing posts with label Agriculture Sector of Indonesia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Agriculture Sector of Indonesia. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Indonesia Agritech Market Revenue, Shares, Size, Growth and Covid-19 Impact: Ken Research

 Sub Vertical Analysis: Fintech

Trends: An encouraging response is observed from farmers when it comes to digitally monitoring their harvest cycles to gain access to institutional funding. In most cases farmers have reported a significant increase in profit margins due to digital intervention from the startups.

Demand Analysis: Demand in the agri fintech sector is significantly driven by government support, which helps in achieving various goals related to financial inclusion and digital literacy, along with helping formalize one of the most informal economic sectors in the country.

Service Portfolio: Indonesia has some of the most innovative agricultural fintech startups in the world, which is further proved by the large valuations and amounts of funding they have been able to raise in the past five years.

Competition Structure: The competition structure is monopolistic, with Tanifund, eFishery, Koltiva and iGrow making up xx%, xx%, xx% and xx% of the market share respectively.

Technology Overview: Prominent use of blockchain is observed in agri fintech startups in Indonesia, whose primary purpose is to ensure traceability in a transaction system mostly driven through cash. The use of smart contracts built on the Ethereum blockchain, although not recognized by Indonesian courts of law are an innovative way to ensure adherence to buying and selling commitments in the agricultural and fishery space.

Future Outlook till 2026: Demand for agri fintech apps is expected to increase significantly in the future due to greater infusion of institutional capital within the system and a greater push by the government to formalize the sector to increase tax revenues.

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Case Study: In the Fintech segment, case study of the players TaniFund and Crowde are covered in the report. The parameters covered are: About the company, Products and services, Revenue Model, Revenue in USD Mn, FY’16-FY’21, Problem solved by the company, and its strengths.

Sub Vertical Analysis: Market Access

Trends: There are few startups operating in the market access sub vertical as compared to others, and most companies in this sub vertical tend to operate in the aquaculture and fishery space as opposed to the agricultural space. This space has a slower growth rate compared to other sub verticals.

Demand Analysis: The demand for upstream supply chain aggregators has not increased as much as other sub verticals such as FaaS, primarily due to greater levels of poverty among farmers and fishermen as compared to end consumers, most of whom reside in urban clusters in Indonesia.

Service Portfolio: Market access to farmers generally consists of upstream supply chain consolidation, which essentially means that farmers/fishermen have access to lists of suppliers of animal/plant feed, farming/fishing equipment and other commodities required for the process of growing crops and breeding/catching seafood.

Competition Structure: The competition structure is oligopolistic, with eFishery, Koltiva and 8villages making up almost all the market share by revenue.

Technology Overview: Apart from functioning as data aggregators, many market access startups help farmers and fishermen identify problems in their existing farming/fishing processes, to then offer them solutions through their offerings. These problems are identified either through IoT devices or trained on-ground staff.

Future Outlook till 2026: Demand is expected to grow in the near future as farmer incomes increase and people start caring more about how their food is grown and how their meat is bred, which would compel farmers and fishermen to buy certified animal feed and fertilizers in order to sell their produce.

Case Study: In the Market Access segment, case study of the players’ eFishery and Koltiva are covered in the report. The parameters covered are: About the company, Products and services, Revenue Model, Revenue in USD Mn, FY’16-FY’21, Problem solved by the company, and its strengths.

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Sub Vertical Analysis: Agritech

Trends: Startups are increasingly adopting monthly subscription models instead of a onetime purchase in the Agritech space to constantly keep in touch with farmers for addressing potential problems in a sector which is very dynamic due to a variety of reasons such as weather, price fluctuations, prevalence of diseases, etc.

Demand Analysis: There are inherent demand limitations to mechanized farm products on small landholder farms due to the labour-intensive nature of agriculture practiced by farmers, but there is a lot of scope for agritech products to significantly improve yields.

Service Portfolio: Agritech driven startups in Indonesia offer a wide variety of services to their customers, but due to stiff competition many of them have tweaked their business models to provide end to end solutions for various needs related to agriculture, aquaculture and fishing.

Competition Structure: The competition structure is oligopolistic, with Tanihub, Aruna, and Neurafarm and Dycodex having xx%, xx%, xx% and xx% market share by revenue respectively.

Technology Overview: Many agritech driven startups focus on precision farming and offer products to precisely monitor agricultural inputs as well as the weather conditions. This also applies for fisheries, where the growth of larvae as well as the water conditions are closely monitored by automated devices, alerting the owner in case of any abnormalities.

Future Outlook till 2026: Agritech is expected to have a strong growth potential in the near future, due to its cost effectiveness in solving persistent problems in one of the most important economic sectors which is crucial for human survival. With changing climatic conditions, such products and services will be used more to safeguard crops and animals from potential danger posed by rising temperatures and changing migration patterns of fishes.

Case Study: In the Market Access segment, case study of the players’ Aruna and Dycodex are covered in the report. The parameters covered are: About the company, Products and services, Revenue Model, Revenue in USD Mn, FY’16-FY’21, Problem solved by the company, and its strengths.

Sub Vertical Analysis: Agri Biotech

Trends: The prominent trend being observed in the Agri Biotech sub vertical is the shift of companies from creating products from synthetic isolated chemical compounds to naturally derived chemicals, in order to produce sustainably and with minimum harmful effects on the environment.

Demand Analysis: Demand for Agri Biotech products is expected to grow exponentially as there is pressure on farming and fishing ecosystems throughout the world to produce more output to combat the problem of food security within nations, which would result in shorter and more harvest cycles as well as fishing cycles throughout the year.

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Service Portfolio: Very few startups are operating in the Agri Biotech sub vertical currently in Indonesia, due to stringent regulatory requirements and the high capital investments required because of them. Most global companies in this space are well established multinationals who have a reputation for providing safe fertilizers, pesticides, and other products.

Competition Structure: The competition structure is oligopolistic, with Pandawa Agri and Magalarva making up almost the entire market share.

Technology Overview: The technology used for manufacturing Agri Biotech products is not revealed due to intellectual property protection through patents, and startups make limited use of technology for marketing and selling purposes through ecommerce websites and online advertisements.

Future Outlook till 2026: Growth prospects for sustainability based agri biotech products is expected to be strong in the near future, while conventional agri biotech products will see strong growth as well.

Case Study: In the Market Access segment, case study of the player Magalarva is covered in the report. The parameters covered are: About the company, Products and services, Revenue Model, Revenue in USD Mn, FY’16-FY’21, Problem solved by the company, and its strengths.

Indonesia Agritech Market Future Outlook and Projections

The agritech market is projected to rise from xx Mn FY’21 to xx Mn in FY’26, showcasing an expected CAGR of XX%. Major Agritech startups are expected to expand their operational presence in multiple states across Indonesia after initial pilot projects got successful.

The FaaS segment will continue to grow at a pace of XX% CAGR, rising from XX Mn FY’22 to XX Mn in FY’26, growing at an exponential rate.

Agri FinTech Segment is expected to grow at a CAGR of xx% during 2022 and 2026 with the rising smartphone penetration.

Market Access sub vertical is expected to grow at a CAGR of xx% during 2022 and 2026 with the rising trend of aquaculture.

AgriTech Segment is expected to grow at a CAGR of xx% during 2022 and 2026 with the technological advancements and precision agriculture.

Agri Biotech Segment is expected to grow at a CAGR of xx% during 2022 and 2026 with the increasing investment in research and development.

Key Segments Covered in Indonesia Agritech Market:-

Agritech Market Size

Market Size on the basis of revenue generated, FY’16-FY’21

Market size of the 5 sub verticals on the basis of revenue generated, FY’16-FY’21

Market Segmentation

Segmentation of Startups by Business Category (FaaS, Fintech, Market Access, Agritech, Agri Biotech)

Segmentation of Startups by year of establishment (FY’13-FY’20)

Segmentation of Startups by Location Jakarta, Bogor, Bandung, Malang, Yogyakarta, Depok, Setiabudi, Tangerang, Bekasi, Sleman, Lampung, Arcamanik)

Segmentation of Startups by Funding Stage (Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A, Series B, Convertible Note, Grant, Debt Financing)

Segmentation of Startups by Funding Entity (Foreign, Domestic, Both)

Overview of each Sub vertical (FaaS, Fintech, Market Access, Agritech, Agri Biotech) on the basis of

Demand Analysis

Operating Model

Timeline of Major Players

Service Portfolio


Competitive Scenario

Cross Comparison between Major Players

Case Study

Future Outlook & Projections

Analyst Recommendations

Key Target Audience:-

Farming as a Service players

Agri Fintech players

Agritech players

Market Access Players

Agri Biotech players



Regulatory Bodies

Feed, Equipment, Fertilizer Suppliers

Time Period Captured in the Report:-

Historical Period: FY’16-FY’21

Forecast Period: FY’22-FY’26

Agritech Players in Indonesia:-

FaaS Players:




Fintech Players:




Market Access Players

8 Villages



Agritech Players:




Agri Biotech Players:

Pandawa Agri



For More Information on the research report, refer to below link: –

Future of Indonesia Agritech Market Outlook

Related Reports by Ken Research: –

India Agritech Market Outlook to FY’2025-By Nature of Services (Input Market Linkage & Farming as a Service, Supply Chain, Post-Harvest Management & Output Market Linkage, Precision Farming, Advisory & Analytics and Agri Fintech)

Indian Used Agricultural Equipment Market Outlook to 2026 (Including Tractors, Harvesters, Power Tillers and Tractor-Attachable Equipment): Driven by rising adoption of small and marginal farmers and government subsidy to increase the demand of used equipment

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Ken Research
Ankur Gupta, Head Marketing & Communications

Friday, July 15, 2022

Masuknya perusahaan rintisan (Startup) inovatif, kemajuan teknologi, dan investasi asing akan mendorong pertumbuhan Pasar Agritech Indonesia dengan perkiraan CAGR sebesar ~31,0% selama 2022-26: Studi Pasar dari Ken Research

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  • Kolaborasi Pemerintah Indonesia dengan perusahaan rintisan (Startup) dan peningkatan infrastruktur digital adalah faktor pendorong utama terhadap pertumbuhan untuk Industri Agritech.
  • Peningkatan penggunaan Artificial Intelligence (AI) dan Internet of Things (IoT) telah memicu minat dalam pertanian. Kemajuan teknologi ini akan membantu petani untuk mengotomatisasi dan menstandardisasi praktik pertanian mereka.
  • Pasar Pertanian sebagai Layanan (Farming as a Services - FaaS) akan terus mendominasi pasar Agritech secara keseluruhan dengan memberikan kontribusi ~48% dari total pendapatan yang dihasilkan.

Dukungan dan Kolaborasi Pemerintah yang Berkelanjutan:

Kenaikan nilai pasar agritech akan didorong oleh dukungan pemerintah dalam bentuk hibah atau bantuan dan akses ke fasilitas penelitian pemerintah yang dapat mendorong pertumbuhan, terutama pada segmen yang kekurangan dana. Bekerja sama dengan jaringan mitra seperti pedagang, pembeli massal, mitra teknologi, dan lembaga penelitian akan berkontribusi pada nilai CAGR yang tinggi.

Tren Budidaya Akuakultur yang Meningkat:

Akuakultur, sebagai salah satu sektor bisnis yang tumbuh paling cepat, memiliki potensi untuk memberikan kontribusi yang signifikan terhadap ketahanan pangan. Masa depan akuakultur di Indonesia terlihat menjanjikan karena karakteristik lokasi geografis dan banyak perusahaan rintisan inovatif yang hadir dengan solusi hebat untuk pengelolaan ikan, makanan laut, udang, dll.

Kemajuan Teknologi di Bidang Pertanian:

Lebih banyak pemain diharapkan untuk datang dan mengembangkan teknologi sensor berbasis Internet of Things - IoT untuk pengumpulan data yang tidak memerlukan konektivitas internet setiap saat. Para pemain diharapkan akan mengaplikasikan pengelolaan data ke dalam sistem Blockchain sehingga bahan baku dapat langsung dilacak ke sumber-sumber yang mengupayakan dan menghasilkannya. Adopsi luas dalam pengaplikasian drone untuk penyemprotan pestisida dan yang lainnya, terutama di kalangan petani menengah dan besar sangat diharapkan dalam waktu dekat.

Peningkatan adopsi ponsel cerdas (smartphone):

Sektor seluler di Indonesia telah mengalami pertumbuhan secara besar-besaran, dibuktikan dengan 176 juta orang Indonesia yang kini berlangganan layanan seluler. Unsur penting di balik pertumbuhan ini adalah penggunaan Teknologi, Informasi, dan Komunikasi yang cerdas untuk memacu kemajuan di semua sektor.

Laporan riset pasar berjudul “Indonesia Agritech Market Outlook to 2026: Driven by Innovative Startups and Influx of Foreign Investors” telah dipublikasikan oleh Ken Research, menunjukkan bahwa pasar Indonesia untuk sektor Agritech diperkirakan akan tumbuh lebih jauh dalam waktu dekat, dengan meningkatnya adopsi smartphone dan perangkat yang terhubung ke internet di kalangan petani Indonesia. Pasar diperkirakan akan mencatat CAGR positif ~31,0% berdasarkan pendapatan yang dihasilkan, selama periode perkiraan dari tahun 2022-2026.

Segmentasi Pembahasan Utama pada Laporan

Besar Pasar Agritech

Besar Pasar berdasarkan pendapatan yang dihasilkan, FY’16-FY’21

Besar pasar setiap sub-sektor Industri Agritech berdasarkan pendapatan yang dihasilkan, FY’16-FY’21

Segmentasi Pasar

Segmentasi perusahaan Startup berdasarkan sub-sektor Industri Agritech (FaaS, Fintech, Market Access, Agritech, Agri Biotech)

Segmentasi perusahaan Startup berdasarkan tahun pendirian (FY’13-FY’20)

Segmentasi perusahaan Startup Berdasarkan lokasi kota di Indonesia mencakup Jakarta, Bogor, Bandung, Malang, Yogyakarta, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi, Yogyakarta, Lampung,)

Segmentasi perusahaan Startup Berdasarkan Tahap Pendanaan (Pre Seed, Seed, Series A, Series B, Convertible Note, Grant, Debt Financing)

Segmentasi perusahaan Startup berdasarkan Entitas Pendana (Asing, Domestik, Keduanya)

Tinjauan setiap sub-sektor dari kategori produk dan jasa  (FaaS, Fintech, Market Access, Agritech, Agri Biotech) berdasarkan

Model operasional bisnis

Lini masa Pemain Utama

Portofolio Layanan


Skenario Kompetitif

Perbandingan antara para Pemain Utama

Studi Kasus

Prospek & Proyeksi Masa Depan

Rekomendasi Analis

Narasumber utama

Perusahaan untuk produk dan jasa Farming as a Service (FaaS)

Perusahaan untuk produk dan jasa Agri Fintech

Perusahaan untuk produk dan jasa Agritech

Perusahaan untuk produk dan jasa Market Access

Perusahaan untuk produk dan jasa Agri Biotech




Pemasok Pakan, Peralatan, Pupuk

Periode Waktu yang Tercatat dalam Laporan

Periode waktu secara historis: FY’16-FY’21

Periode waktu untuk perkiraan (forecasting): FY’22-FY’26

Perusahaan di Indonesia dalam ekosistem AgriTech

Perusahaan untuk kategori produk dan jasa Farming as a Service (FaaS)




Perusahaan untuk kategori produk dan jasa Agri Fintech




Para perusahaan untuk kategori produk dan jasa Market Access

8 Villages



Para perusahaan untuk kategori produk dan jasa Agritech




Para perusahaan untuk kategori produk dan jasa Agri Biotech

Pandawa Agri



Topik-topik utama pembahasan pada Laporan

Tinjauan Sektor Pertanian di Indonesia

Demografi pada Industri Pertanian di Indonesia

Sisi Permintaan: Skenario Pertanian di Indonesia

Sisi Pasokan: Skenario Pertanian di Indonesia

Tinjauan Pasar Agritech di Indonesia

Tinjauan untuk Alat dan Teknologi Digital pada sector Pertanian di Indonesia

Ekosistem Entitas Utama di Pasar Agritech di Indonesia

Model Operasional Bisnis Agritech

Besar Pasar Industri AgriTech

Besar Pasar sub-sektor Industri AgriTech dari kategori produk dan jasa

Segmentasi perusahaan Startup menurut Kategori Bisnis

Segmentasi perusahaan Startup menurut tahun pendirian

Segmentasi perusahaan Startup menurut Lokasi

Segmentasi perusahaan Startup menurut Tahap Pendanaan

Segmentasi perusahaan Startup menurut Entitas Pendanaan

Tren dan Perkembangan di pasar Agritech

Tantangan yang dihadapi oleh Startup Agritech

Lanskap Regulasi di pasar Agritech

Inisiatif Utama Pemerintah di pasar Agritech di Indonesia

Tren Teknologi di Industri Agritech

Analisis Porter untuk Industri Agritech Indonesia

Penggerak Pertumbuhan di Pasar Pertanian di Indonesia

Skenario Kompetisi antar sub sector Industri Agritech

Perbandingan antara Teknologi yang digunakan di Agritech Space

Tinjauan untuk sub sektor Industri: Farming as a Service (FaaS)

Tinjauan untuk sub sektor Industri: Agri Fintech

Tinjauan untuk sub sektor Industri: Market Access

Tinjauan untuk sub sektor Industri: Agritech (teknologi pertanian)

Tinjauan untuk sub sektor Industri: Agri Biotech

Analisis Permintaan dari masing-masing sub sektor Industri

Portofolio Layanan dari masing-masing sub sub sektor Industri

Perbandingan Silang antara para Pemain Utama

Studi Kasus (Chilibeli, Sayurbox, TaniFund, Crowde, eFishery, Koltiva, Dycodex, Aruna, Magalarva)

Prospek & Proyeksi Masa Depan

Rekomendasi Analis

Apa yang Ada di Depan untuk Industri Agritech?

Peta Jalan Teknologi (Technology Roadmap)

Diskusi Industri

Hubungi kami:
Ankur Gupta, Head Marketing & Communications


Friday, June 10, 2022

Future Outlook of Indonesia Agritech Market: Ken Research

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Market Overview

Indonesian Agricultural Sector Overview

Indonesia ranks second in the agriculture, forestry, and fishing (as a % of GDP) among the Far East Asian countries. Agriculture has historically been a pillar of the Indonesian economy, making a significant contribution to the country’s strong economic growth.

The Gross Domestic Product of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishery in Indonesia stood at xx Bn in the year 2021 growing at a CAGR of xx% during 2016 to 2021.

Indonesia Agritech Market

Indonesia has been a hotbed for agricultural innovation in recent years, driven mainly by AgriTech start-ups focused on creating opportunities to optimize fragmented value chains and connecting crop producers and buyers in more efficient and profitable ways. Further Indonesian Agritech Market contains 5 subsections which are: Farming as a Service (FaaS), Market Access, Fintech, Agritech, and Agri- Biotech.

Indonesia Agritech Market Sizing

The agritech market in Indonesia has seen a rise from xx Mn in FY’16 to xx Mn in FY’21, with a five-year CAGR of xx%. This growth can be attributed to recent government initiatives, rising adoption of smartphones in rural Indonesia, increase in foreign investments, and influx of innovative startups operating in the different sub verticals of agritech market. AgriTech innovators are playing a vital role in digitizing processes in the last mile and supporting the creation of digital identities for farmers.

Market Sizing of Farming as a Service (FaaS) Sub vertical: Farming as a Service (FaaS) market in Indonesia generated a revenue of USD xx million in 2021. A CAGR of xx% is observed in the FaaS market during 2016 and 2021 due to the emergence of rental business models like Precision Agriculture. Some of the emerging startups are: Sayurbox, TaniSupply, Aruna, and Limakilo.

Market Sizing of Fintech Sub vertical:  The FinTech segment in the Indonesia AgriTech market grew at a CAGR of xx% during 2016 and 2021. TaniFund, eFishery, Koltiva, iGrow, and Crowde are some of the major startups in the Fintech vertical.

Market Sizing of Market Access Sub vertical: The Market Access for Framers segment in the Indonesia AgriTech market grew at a CAGR of xx% during 2016 and 2021. Startups like 8 villages, Fishlog, Sgara, and Koltiva are helping farmers to access the market.

Market Sizing of Agritech Sub vertical: The Agritech segment in the Indonesia grew at a CAGR of 59.0% during 2016 and 2021 generating a revenue of USD 58 million in 2021.

AgriTech startups like Neurafarm, TaniHub, and Aruna are disrupting and reshaping long-established relationships across value chains and building entirely new ecosystems.

Market Sizing of Agri Biotech Sub vertical: The Agri Biotech segment in the Indonesia grew at a CAGR of xx% during 2016 and 2021 generating a revenue of USD xx million in 2021. Agri-biotech startups like Pandawa Agri, Magalarva are improving plant & animal production and create new & advanced products using biotechnology.

Indonesia Agritech Market Segmentation

The number of startups operating in the Agritech space in Indonesia can be segmented on the basis of the business category they operate in, year of establishment, on the basis of geography, type of funding stage, and type of funding entity.

Some of the major funding rounds in the Indonesian Agritech space include Tanihub's latest funding round of more than 65 million USD at the Series B stage.

The integrated Fishery startup Aruna which raised around 30 million USD at the Series B stage.

All the xx Startups are funded by Private Equity Venture Capitalist and none is funded by Angel Investors. Examples are: Kandang, Kedai Sayur, eFishery, etc.

Government Initiatives

The idea is to establish a central repository of all agricultural data in the country, to inform development planning, unlock efficiencies, and improve productivity outcomes. The government of Indonesia has been very active in digitalizing the agriculture sector in the country and has taken many initiatives to bring the digital transformation.

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Sub Vertical Analysis: Faas

Trends: Increased time spent online due to COVID-19 induced lockdowns: Most start-ups providing online services have witnessed an increase in user activity throughout COVID lockdowns.

Improved access to digital services has widespread implications for both public and private sector enterprises.

Demand Analysis: There has been a strong increase in demand for the services provided by FaaS startups in the last five years, which is mostly due to the increase in smartphone and internet penetration in Indonesia. Along with that, more people have started caring about how their food is grown and whether it is grown in a sustainable manner or not, this demand gap is largely filled by the new startups.

Service Portfolio: Indonesian Startups in the FaaS space mostly focus on restructuring the conventional farm to table and pond to table logistical models, which have a large number of intermediaries present in them who often engage in manipulative strategies to increase profits. Some startups have a prominent aspect to them which is linked to one or more Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's) created by the United Nations for societal welfare.

Competition Structure: The competition structure is monopolistic, with Sayurbox having xx% of market share and Tanisupply, Aruna, Limakilo and Agromaret having xx%, xx%, and xx% and xx% market share respectively.

Technology Overview: There is a great difference between the level of technology adoption among FaaS startups, while some startups use SONAR and IoT devices to detect fish clusters, others simply provide an online medium for buyers and sellers to connect either physically or via telephone.

Future Outlook till 2026: Bucking onto the global trend of the rise of ecommerce applications throughout the world due to various factors like ease of convenience, better customer service, wider variety of produce, etc. Indonesian FaaS startups - many of which are forms of ecommerce websites - are expected to grow strongly in the near future.

Case Study: In the FaaS segment, case study of the players Sayurbox and Chilibeli are covered in the report. The parameters covered are: About the company, Products and services, Revenue Model, Revenue in USD Mn, FY’16-FY’21, Problem solved by the company, and its strengths.

Key Segments Covered in Indonesia Agritech Market

Agritech Market Size

Market Size on the basis of revenue generated, FY’16-FY’21

Market size of the 5 sub verticals on the basis of revenue generated, FY’16-FY’21

Market Segmentation

Segmentation of Startups by Business Category (FaaS, Fintech, Market Access, Agritech, Agri Biotech)

Segmentation of Startups by year of establishment (FY’13-FY’20)

Segmentation of Startups by Location Jakarta, Bogor, Bandung, Malang, Yogyakarta, Depok, Setiabudi, Tangerang, Bekasi, Sleman, Lampung, Arcamanik)

Segmentation of Startups by Funding Stage (Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A, Series B, Convertible Note, Grant, Debt Financing)

Segmentation of Startups by Funding Entity (Foreign, Domestic, Both)

Overview of each Sub vertical (FaaS, Fintech, Market Access, Agritech, Agri Biotech) on the basis of

Demand Analysis

Operating Model

Timeline of Major Players

Service Portfolio


Competitive Scenario

Cross Comparison between Major Players

Case Study

Future Outlook & Projections

Analyst Recommendations

Key Target Audience

Farming as a Service players

Agri Fintech players

Agritech players

Market Access Players

Agri Biotech players



Regulatory Bodies

Feed, Equipment, Fertilizer Suppliers

Time Period Captured in the Report

Historical Period: FY’16-FY’21

Forecast Period: FY’22-FY’26

Agritech Players in Indonesia

FaaS Players:




Fintech Players:




Market Access Players

8 Villages



Agritech Players:




Agri Biotech Players:

Pandawa Agri



Key Topics Covered in the Report

Indonesia Agricultural Sector Overview

Indonesia Agriculture Industry Demographics

Demand Side: Indonesia Agriculture Scenario

Supply Side: Indonesia Agriculture Scenario

Overview of Indonesia Agritech Market

Overview of Digital Tools

Ecosystem of Major Entities in the Indonesia Agritech Market

Agritech Operating Model

Market Sizing of the AgriTech Industry

Market Sizing of the Sub Segments of AgriTech Industry

Segmentation of Startups by Business Category

Segmentation of Startups by year of establishment

Segmentation of Startups by Location

Segmentation of Startups by Funding Stage

Segmentation of Startups by Funding Entity

Trends and Developments in Agritech market

Challenges faced by Agritech Startups

Regulatory Landscape in Agritech market

Major Government Initiatives in Agritech market in Indonesia

Technology Trends in the Agritech Industry

Porter’s Five Forces Analysis of Indonesian Agritech Industry

Growth Drivers in the Agricultural Market in Indonesia

Competition Scenario between sub verticals

Comparison between Technology used in Agritech Space

Overview of sub vertical: FaaS

Overview of sub vertical: Fintech

Overview of sub vertical: Market Access

Overview of sub vertical: Agritech

Overview of sub vertical: Agri Biotech

Demand Analysis of each of the sub verticals

Service Portfolio of each of the sub verticals

Cross Comparison between Major Players

Case Studies (Chilibeli, Sayurbox, TaniFund, Crowde, eFishery, Koltiva, Dycodex, Aruna, Magalarva)

Future Outlook & Projections

Analyst Recommendations

What Lies Ahead for the Agritech Industry?

Technology Roadmap

Industry Speaks

For More Information on the research report, refer to below link: –

Future of Indonesia Agritech Market Outlook

Related Reports by Ken Research: –

India Agritech Market Outlook to FY’2025-By Nature of Services (Input Market Linkage & Farming as a Service, Supply Chain, Post-Harvest Management & Output Market Linkage, Precision Farming, Advisory & Analytics and Agri Fintech)

Indian Used Agricultural Equipment Market Outlook to 2026 (Including Tractors, Harvesters, Power Tillers and Tractor-Attachable Equipment): Driven by rising adoption of small and marginal farmers and government subsidy to increase the demand of used equipment

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Ken Research
Ankur Gupta, Head Marketing & Communications